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Canada's Gap Training Program

GTeXpro has combined with the Electrical Joint Training committee EJTC and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEW 213 to provide an opportunity for young electrical tradespeople from Australia and New Zealand to live and work in Canada with a guaranteed job over a two-year period under the young professional visa program.


The program has multiple components one of which is undertaking a process to have your Australian certificate III in electrotechnology and your Australian electrical licence recognised by the Canadian authorities.


GteXpro has undertaken the process of identifying the gaps in knowledge between the Canadian qualification and the Australian qualification, through this analysis we have developed a specific gap training program that will allow you to study for and undertake the Canadian Red Seal Assessment.


The Canadian Gap Training Program or CGTP:


The CGTP that has been developed utilises multiple learning and assessment delivery methods including:


  • RPL – Recognition Of Prior Learning – A certificate III in electrotechnology is a prerequisite for  this program. Through the gap analyse matrix that has been developed we have identified the key areas in which a gap in knowledge exists. These gap areas are the focus of the program. The certificate III in electrotechnology is the foundation point of the analysis and you will be credited with the units of competency within the certificate III, leaving the gap units to be completed.


  • Online Learning – We have developed an online learning program that allows you to study and prepare for the Red Seal Assessment, the program will take you through the gaps in knowledge and amongst many other things provide you with the skills to navigate the Canadian Electrical Code which is the electrical rules book of Canada.


  • Face to Face – The face to face component of the program will be 8 hours and will include the red seal assessment, this time will be used for final preparation and open discussion prior to sitting the exam.

On successful completion of the program you will be awarded with the Canadian Red Seal and become a registered journeyman electrician. This will allow you to take up a guaranteed job offer from the international brotherhood of electricians.




The cost of the program is $1,500 and includes:


  • Enrolment into the CGTP

  • Trade recognition and gap analysis

  • Access to the online learning system

  • In class study material

  • Face to Face training and assessment

  • Red Seal Assessment

  • Canadian Qualification

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Before purchasing please read our terms and conditions here.

Purchase Full Gap Training Program $1500
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Deposit for Gap Training Program $500
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